“Grønland har i første halvår af 2020 haft 82 anmeldelser om overgreb på børn under 15 år. Det er flere end i hele 2019.”
“Også antallet af anmeldelser om voldtægt og blufærdighedskrænkelser er stigende”.
Kristeligt Dagblad via Ritzau 28.08.20
Menneskesyn, opfattelse af rigtigt og forkert, ansvar osv. er ikke ens overalt på kloden. Det kan man bl.a. læse om i denne bog.
Harrison, Lawrence E., and Samuel Huntington. 2001. Culture Matters: How Values Shape Human Progress. New York: Basic Books.
The 2000-2001 academic year saw the release of a major publication from the Academy’s Global Cultures Program. Arising from a 1999 Harvard Academy symposium, Culture Matters: How Values Shape Human Progress was published in 2001 by Basic Books. The book is edited by Lawrence Harrison (an Academy affiliate and author of Underdevelopment is a State of Mind) and Academy Chairman Samuel Huntington.
Culture Matters examines the question of why some countries and ethnic groups are better off than others, and the role that cultural values play in driving political, economic, and social development. A distinguished group of scholars, journalists, and practitioners looks at the role of culture in developmental contexts across the globe.